August Moodboard 2017

August is upon us and if you too are freaking out about where 2017 has gone you are not alone my friend. My monthly moodboard series is designed to get me and maybe some of you, excited about all the awesome things the month coming up has to offer and usually august is pretty easy to get excited about since it`s my birthday month. This year though with finishing college reality is starting to hit and time is ticking a bit fast for me, so this post is so much needed. Without further adieu here are some awesome things about August 2017! Continue reading

My Favorite Vlogmases 2016 Blogmas Day 7

We are a week into December and I don`t know about you but my YouTube inbox is full of Vlogmass videos (not at all complaining). If you are a YouTube watcher, than you are probably aware of the Vlogmas phenomena, if not the gistĀ of it is that people vlog every day until Christmas Eve. It probably is the one thing that makes me feel most Christmasy, because let me tell you there are some people who take holiday time to the next level. Continue reading

Bathroom Tour

I am so excited to finally be doing this post, a few months back I told you about how we were building a new family home and I also did an inspiration post for my new bathroom (link here). Designing a whole bathroom from start to finish is an exciting experience but also a daunting and scary one as well. I have to say I absolutely love the final result, although I did worry at times if I was making the right decisions and I did switch/ add some things during the process.The overall look is modern, feminine and very light and bright. I hope you like the finish product and let`s get to it! Continue reading

My 10 Steps To Building a New Wardrobe The Smart Way

Style is forever changing and evolving, every single one of us hits a point when either we are bored of our current style or while moving into a new phase of our lives we realize that our style also needs to evolve. So having said all that, I know that changing up your style can be a daunting thing. Well I am here to share with you my 10 Steps of achieving a cohesive new wardrobe no mater what style you are aiming for. Continue reading

2016 Blogging and Personal Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year is the best one yet for every single one of you! Personally I am huge fan of a new beginning, call me weird, but Mondays are my favorite day of the week, I love early productive mornings and the beginning of every month is my most productive time. And there is nothing I love more than the beginning of a new year, the excitement of what is awaiting in the new year and the rush of motivation to work harder and be a better person in general. 2016 watch out I am coming for you. Continue reading